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Idioms & Phrases

Idioms & Phrases
हिंदी अर्थ
Very common knowledge
सामान्य जानकारी
All in all
Whole-sole, most important
अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण
All and sundry
Without making any distinction
बिना किसी भेद के
Alpha and omega
First and last letter of Greek alphabet, means beginning and end
शुरुआत और अंत
Bag and baggage
With all goods
सारे सामान के साथ
Black and white
In writing
लिखित में
Blow hot and cold
Having no stand, shows favour at one time and unfavour at another
किसी निश्चित स्थिति में नहीं होना
Body and soul
Back and call
At the service
सेवा में
Cats and dogs
Heavy rain
भारी वर्षा
By fits and starts
अनियमित रूप से
By leaps and bounds
तेजी से
Cock and bull story
Untrue story
झूठी कहानी
Call a spade a spade
Straight talks
सीधी बात
Cut and dried
Readymade form
आसान तरीका
To play ducks and drakes
To waste money
पैसा बर्बाद करना
To check by jowl
Very near to each other
एक दूसरे के बहुत नजदीक
Fair field and no favour
Equal opportunity to all
सभी को समान अवसर
Through fire and water
In all sort of difficulties
सभी मुश्किलों में
Fire and fury
Extreme enthusiasm
अत्यधिक उत्साह
Fire and brimstone
Fearful penalties
भयाभय दंड
Fair and square
Free and easy
Natural and simple
प्राक्रतिक एवम् साधारण
Goods and chattels
Belonging of home
घर का सामान
Gird up the loin
To be ready
तैयार रहना
Gall and wormwood
Source of irritation
परेशानी का कारण
Haughty and naughty
Arrogant and naughty
Hue and dry
Great noise
बड़ा शोर / बड़ा विरोध
By hook or by crook
By any means
किसी भी तरीके से
Heart and soul
With full devotion
सम्पूर्ण क्षमता से
To move heaven and earth
To make all possible efforts
सभी संभव प्रयास करना
Hard and fast
Hand and gloves
Very intimate friends
घनिष्ट मित्र
Hole and corner policy
A secret policy for an evil purpose
बुरे मकशद के लिए रहश्यम्यी योजना
Herculean task
A tedious job
कठिन कार्य
Hit below the belt
Contrary to principles of fairness
उसूलों के खिलाफ
Intents and purposes
प्रायोगिक तौर पर
Ins and outs
Full details
सम्पूर्ण जानकारी
An iron hand
By force
ताकत से
Kith and kin
Blood relatives
सगे सम्बन्धी
Law and equity
Legal and moral justice
सम्पूर्ण न्याय
Length and breadth
All over
Lock and key
In safe place
सुरक्षित स्थान पर
Life and soul
Main support
मुख्य सहारा
Loaves and fish
Material interests
सामग्री ब्याज / मुनाफा
Leave no stone unturned
Make all possible efforts
सभी संभव प्रयास करना
Latin and Greek
Unable to understand
समझने में असमर्थ
Might and main
With all enthusiasm
पूरे उत्साह के साथ
Milk and water
Neck and crop
Nook and corner
सभी जगह
Null and void
Of no use, without force of application
किसी काम का नहीं
Need of the hour
Necessity of time
समय की माँग
Odds and ends
Remaining goods
शेष सामान
Over head and ears
अत्यधिक रूप से
Open and above board
Very clear, transparent
Pros and cons
Merits and demerits
गुण व अवगुण
Part and parcel
Being an important part of
मुख्य भाग होना
Pick and choose
To choose selectively as per wish
इच्छानुसार चुनना
Pins and needles
Small items
छोटे साधन
Rank and file
Everyone without discrimination
बिना किसी भेदभाव के सभी
Rank and ruin
Complete destructions
सम्पूर्ण विनाश
Rhyme or reason
Rational cause
तर्कसंगत कारण
Root and branch
Rain or shine
Favourable or unfavourable circumstances
अनुकूल और प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियां
Stuff and nonsense
व्यर्थ / किसी काम का नहीं
Sum and substance
The actual theme
मुख्य उद्धेश्य
At sixes and seven
Persons who are having different opinions
भिन्न मत रखने वाले व्यक्ति
Between Scylla and Charybdis
Choice between two unpleasant alternatives
दो अप्रिय विकल्पों के बीच चुनाव
Time and tide
Course of time
समय / परिस्थिति
Tooth and nail
With all force
पूरी ताकत से
Toil and moil
Hard labour
कठिन कार्य
Ups and downs
Prosperity and adversity
उतर चढ़ाव
Why and wherefore
The basic roll season
अहम् कारण
Watch and ward
Careful guard
मजबूत पहरेदारी
Whips and spur
With greatest hurry
बहुत जल्दीबाजी में
Warp and woof
Essential parts of a thing
किसी वस्तु का अहम् हिस्सा
Weal and woe
Prosperity and adversity
सम्रधी और प्रतिकूलता


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