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Word ‘Enzyme’ given by – Kuhne.
Buchner found first enzyme ‘Zymase’ in yeast cell.
  Sumner crystallized ‘Urease’ enzyme.
Northrop & Sumner told about enzyme’s protein nature.
T. Cech & Altman discovered enzyme’s of non-protein nature.

Definition –
Enzymes are bio-catalysts made of protein, which increases rate of bio-chemical reactions by decreasing activation energy.
Specific features of enzymes –
All enzymes are protein, but all proteins are not enzymes. Exception – Ribozymes & Ribonuclease (these are enzymes of RNA nature)
All enzymes are globular proteins of tertiary configuration. Exception – Isoenzymes have quadrant configuration.
It decreases the activation energy of reactant.
Enzymes are polymer of amino acids, which have been synthesized by ribosome.
It has high molecular weight.
It is very sensible for pH and most enzymes work on neutral pH. Exception – Hydrolases (pH = 5), Pepsin (pH = 1-2), Rubisco, PEPcase, Trypsin (pH = 8.5)
Optimum temperature for enzymes is 20°C - 38°C.
Enzymes are specific for their reactant.

Structure of Enzymes – 

Structure of Enzymes

Co-enzyme – such organic molecules, which bonds loose with apoenzyme.
e.g. – NAD, FAD, ATP, ADP, Vitamin etc.
Co-factor – such inorganic or metallic molecules, which bonds loose with apoenzyme.
e.g. – Mg+2, Fe+2, Zn+2, Mo+2
Prosthetic group – such organic or inorganic molecules, which  bonds rigid with apoenzyme.
e.g. – Haem (Peroxidase and catalase )

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