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Plant Movements/पादप गतिया

Plant movements are mainly divided in two parts –
1.Movements of Locomotion
2.Movements of Curvature
1. Movements of Locomotion – In this type of movement Plant’s whole body or a part of plant goes from one place to another. In short plant changes its position, is called movements of locomotion.
This type of movements is also divided in two types –
I. Autonomous Movements – This type of movements is induced by internal stimuli. It is divided in 3 parts –
A. Amoeboid - e.g. Gametes of Spirogyra
B. Ciliary - e.g. Gametes of Chlamydomonas
C. Cyclosis –
         a. Rotation – When protoplasm moves around the central vacuole.
          e.g. Hydrilla, Vallisneria
          b. Circulation – When protoplasm moves randomly in cell.
          e.g. Tradescantia
II. Induced or Para tonic Movements – It is induced by External stimuli. It is also divided in 3 types –
A. Chemo-tactic – e.g. Anthaloziades
B. Photo-tactic – e.g. Eye spot in algae
C. Thermo-tactic – e.g. Euglena, Chlamydomonas

2. Movements of Curvature – In this type of movement plant shows movement without changing its position. It is divided in 2 types –
I. Autonomous Movements – Induced by internal Stimuli.
e.g. – Desmodium gyrens (Indian Telegraph Plant)
* Epinasty & Hyponasty movements of leaves or flowers.
Epinasty – growth of upper surface of leaf/flower.
Hyponasty – growth of lower surface of leaf/flower.
II. Induced or Para tonic Movements – It is induced by external stimuli.
Types of Induced movements –
A. Tropic Movements – It is unidirectional movement.
a. Chemo-tropic – movement because of chemical.
e.g. Movement of pollen tube
b. Thigmo-tropic – movement because of touch.
e.g. movement of suckers & hairs of plant
c. Geotropic – movement because of gravitation.
e.g. Root (+), Shoot (-)
d. Phototropic – movement because of light.
e.g. Shoot (+), Root (-)
e. Hydrotropic – movement because of water.
e.g. Root (+), Shoot (-)
f. Trauma-tropic – movement because of loss or wound.
B. Nastic Movements –
a. Seism nasty – movements because of turgor pressure or K+ ions.
e.g. Mimosa pudica
b. Thigmonasty – movements because of touch.
e.g. movements of sensors of pitcher plant
c. Chemo-nasty – movements because of chemical.
e.g. pitcher plant
d. Nyctinasty – movements because of day & night.
e.g. movements of leaves and flowers

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