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Convection tissue

There are two types of convection tissue tissue - 1.Blood 2.Lymph

1. Blood-
Blood Study - Hematology
Blood formation process - Hemopoiesis
Blood is a red colored liquid tissue. 5-6 liters of blood is found in adult males and 4-5 liters in females. Blood pH 7.4.
Blood is a virtual connective tissue because - 1. Blood cells do not divide.
2. The blood matrix is ​​fiberless.
3. Synthesis and secretion of blood matrix takes place in the liver and lymph.

Organization of blood - fluid portion (55%) - plasma
Solid part (45%) - red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets.
The total volume of blood cells in the whole blood is called packed cell volume. Only RBC in blood The total volume of the volume is called hematocreat volume.
The packed cell volume is approximately equal to the hematocreat volume, because 99% of the entire corpuscle is only RBC. it occurs. The remaining 1% consists of white blood cells and platelets.

Plasma - Plasma contains the following components - 1. Water - 90 to 92%
2. Inorganic portion - 0.9% (ions, salts and gases)
3. Organic portions - 7 to 9% - contain some major proteins. Eg - albumin, globulin
The most commonly found protein in the body is collagen. While the most commonly found protein in plasma is albumin.
Blood glucose level - 80 to 100 mg. Per 100 ml
Normal blood cholesterol level - 150 to 260 mg. Per 100 ml
Normal blood urea level - 17 to 30 mg. Per 100 ml

Blood corpuscles -
1. Erythrocytes - In mammals, it is bisexual, circular and without nucleus. RBC contains nuclei at the time of formation, but it dissipates during maturation. Hemoglobin pigment is found in RBCs. RBCs cause anaerobic breathing due to the absence of mitochondria. The most important enzymes of RBC are carbonic anhydrase, which is related to the transport of CO2.
The antigen of the blood group is found on the surface of RBC. Dead and damaged red blood cells are destroyed by the spleen. Hence the spleen is called the RBC cemetery. RBCs are called erythropoiesis. This process occurs in the red bone marrow. It is induced by erythropoietin secreted by the kidney.
2. White blood corpuscles - These are also called leukocytes. The enlargement of white blood cells is called leukocytosis. While their deficiency is called leukocytopenia.
Total leukocyte count - 8000-11000 mm per cubic mm
3. Platelets - These are the smallest blood corpuscles, also called thrombocytes. Its main function is blood coagulation. The growth of thrombocytes is called thrombocytosis, while their phenomenon is called thrombocytopenia.
Normal value of thrombocytes - 1.5-4 lakhs per cubic mm.

2. Lymph - Lymph is produced in the lymph nodes, such as spleen, lymph nodes. The spleen is also known as the cemetery of blood banks and red blood cells.


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